The New Era of Blogging
A new era of blogging has emerged. If you are a blogger, you have probably been in groups where people are saying blogging is dead. I am here to encourage you that it isn’t but the old no longer works.
Here are a few thoughts about how to see growth.
Know your Data
Whether it’s your Mediavine dashboard or your G4 data, you have to be able to read your data and know where to focus. Just because everyone may be on Instagram, it might not be right for you. One size does not fit all.

Set Realistic Goals
You can’t simply write 2 posts and get monetized, you also don’t need to keyword stuff so that Google picks up your post.
If you are currently at 5,000 sessions monthly, you are probably not going to reach 50,000 sessions in 2 months. It has been done but with a ton of work and a lot of money spent. Let’s set realistic goals based upon your time and where your currently traffic is coming from.
You have to keep going when you don’t see immediate progress, you have to consistently show up even when it feels like no one is listening, and you have to consistently be willing to shift and adjust basked upon your community and data.
Focus On Your Tasks, Not Others
This new era of blogging requires that we find the channels to focus on and then turn off all the chatter. The ultimate goal is to find a community that loves what you are sharing and stay the course and serve them.

Community is the new era of blogging. Before we relied on Google and we did everything they asked and then we were thrown out like trash. I have seen a ton of growth because I focused on my community.
I got out of several groups because the rabbit trails were real. Here are a few things I have heard from “Gurus”
- Build a Facebook page of 10,000 or more
- Be on Instagram stories all the time
- Use AI and write a zillion posts
- Pin 100+ Pinterest pins daily
- Have a funnel and run Facebook ads and they will come
These might work for you but ONLY when you know your data, your time and who you are called to serve, can you find success. Are you ready for this new era of blogging?

I love doing strategy calls to teach you to see your data, find the channels to focus on and simplify the process. I work less hours and make more money on 3 blogs doing this same process. You can too. I am here to help if you need it.