Do you wish you knew exactly what to do to grow your business? A digital marketing strategy with coaching allows that to happen. No more guessing or throwing spaghetti at the wall. Know what 4 tasks to do in a month to grow your business.
What’s included in your Digital marketing strategy
This ISN’T a cookie-cutter plan. I will look at your business and give you 4 tasks to complete in a month to help you grow and increase your revenue. It also includes the opportunity to ask questions daily via email that will be answered within 1 business day. It also includes workbooks to help with any areas you are working on.
What areas does the digital marketing strategy cover
Again, this will be dependent upon your specific plan. A few areas that MAY be covered include:
- Email marketing strategy
- Social Media Strategy
- YouTube strategy
- Digital products or e-commerce products
What others have accomplished
- CL got her YouTube, Email and Facebook group mapped out. She was able to make a bigger impact on the people she was called to serve.
- PT started her YouTube channel, blog, and Etsy store. She started making money within 4 weeks via Etsy and Amazon affiliates.
- LR increased her revenue in her massage company by over 400% focusing on the Google business profile, blog, social media, and email.
There are so many more stories. Each is unique because their businesses are unique.
It’s your time to grow your business!
Next steps:
- Pay for your strategy
- Fill out the form, so I can look at your business
- After a few days, I will send you a link to my calendar to schedule a call to go over my recommendations
- You get to work following your written plan asking questions as often as you need for a month
Investment of $197 monthly
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